Monday, February 25, 2008


i can't believe they moved our schedule defense to march 1! and they're requiring us to submit the documentation 3 days earlier! WTF... i haven't even perfected our DFDs yet! :c please oh please let me pass SAD2... *sob*

Sunday, February 24, 2008

about the layout

well since i have absolutely no time to customize my own at the moment (and no, i am not making excuses because i am well-educated in making web pages. that's a fact.), i will have to use this for a while. i am thinking of a cutesy positive and pleasant layout for this (because of course i was inspired by my "H"). i'd like it to have a connection too with us both; same with my blog title. i think he would be the only one who could figure out what it means. and even if he couldn't i don't mind explaining it to him because i know, he'll find it really cool (and sweet heehee). :3

*blog dictionary
1. H - means sheenichee's short and sweet term for husband (referring only to "Chee").

yes.. i'll always have my "H's" name capitalized. because he's special. :p

the "ich" post

since this is my very first post on this blog i have just created, i will clearly state that i would not be using capital letters (and if ever i do so, that only means i am in a very different mood or i simply have plenty of time). not because i have a "sloth" issue, i just personally think that ideas flow on more smoothly without the disturbance of pressing the "shift" button; that would result to better writing. so this concludes it. i will try to update as much as i can but.. that ain't a promise! :p

and oh.. i am fond of using smileys so get used to it. :3
and another oh.. "ich" means first or number one in japanese ^^